I Am Md. Jidanul Hakim Jitu,

I specialize in web development, programming as well as problem solving.

About Me Jitu's CV

I am Md. Jidanul Hakim Jitu

About Me Jitu's CV

My best Projects

To see more of my Projects visit my Project Page

Full Stack & Mobile App

DA Shortcut

DA Shortcut (Full-Stack & Smartphone App)

It is a Real-World Client Project and is Under Development. It is both web and smartphone app. So, Source code and APK/IPA file cannot be shared. (MERN Project).
Backend: Back-End - Express JS, Mongoose (MongoDB), Cloudinary, Dot ENV, Node-Mailer & Google API, Express, JSON Web Token, Cors & Crypto and SSL Commerz
Front-End: React, React Router Dom, Axios, Bootstrap & Font Awesome, React Hook Form - CK Editor & HTML Parser, React Modal, React-Calendar
App: React-Native, Expo, React Native Express, Native Base, Stack Navigator, Webview for SSL-Commerz, Date Picker & Modal, Vector Icon


• Custom Authentication and fully secured (including change password, forget password, resend option)
• 4 Panel (Admin Panel, Chamber Panel, Doctor Panel, User Panel)
• Payment Dashboard for 4 panel
• SSL-Commerz Payment Gateway
• Easy Appointment
• Fully Responsive
• Android and IOS App.

React Website

Athena Design

Athena Design (Full-stack)

This is an website or UI service purchase type website. It’s developed by React, MongoDB, Stripe, Firebase, JS, ES6, React-Router, React-Hooks, React-custom-hook, Html, CSS and Material UI.


• Different Link for User and Admin Panel. Admin Panel is fully protected.
Stripe has been added as payment method
• Adding Service Option, admin upgrading option for an admin
• Adding review option for user
• Services are under processing for a user till checked by an admin
• Fully Responsive with sign-in/up feature

I Specialize In

Programming as well as creating websites and solving complex problems.


Concepts provide background that helps readers understand essential information about a product, a task, a process, or any other conceptual or descriptive information. I try to gather these do my works.

Web development

I'm a planner who codes. I've worked in-house, and distantly on ventures. I care profoundly about making top notch, valuable, and wonderful items that help individuals and have any kind of effect.


I love to write codes. It's my passion. And I want to convert it to my profession. I have intermediate knowledge about JavaScript and basic knowledge about Python and C-Programming.